
Austin Tuan ‘21

Hometown: Cupertino, CA

Nickname: Tuamstin

Voice Part: Baritone

Favorite BD Tune: Drift Away

Major: Intellectual Hand Gestures

When I Grow Up: I want to make it after having previously faked it

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Fausto Hernandez ‘21


Hometown: Mexico City, Mexico

Nickname: Fausto, from Mexico (FFM)

Voice Part: Tenor 2

Favorite BD Tune: It's So Hard

Major: Disappointment

When I Grow Up: President!

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Kevin Sanaycela ‘21.5


Hometown: Queens, New York

Nickname: KevZaddy

Voice Part: Baritone

Favorite BD Tune: Lead Me to Rest

Major: Neuroscience because...

When I Grow Up: I want to figure out why these guys are so crazy.


Bart Rondelli ‘21


Hometown: Chicago, Illinois

Nickname: Pepperone

Voice Part: Bass

Favorite BD Tune: Change in My Life

Major: Indoor Birdwatching

When I Grow Up: I want to know what love is


Danny pita ‘21.5


Hometown: Miami, Florida

Nickname: Bebeface

Voice Part: Tenor 1

Favorite BD Tune: It's So Hard

Major: Sarcasm

When I Grow Up: I want to get taller